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Winter Village Display

Winter Village Display

After months of missing the festivities, I'm super excited to be participating in December's Silhouette Challenge, and even more excited to be part of a fantabulous giveaway with my fellow Silhouette wonder bloggers!  So, lots going on in today's post.  I'm sharing my...

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Washi Tape Paper Chain Garland

Washi Tape Paper Chain Garland

Just sharing a quick project today!  I've had this idea floating around in this head of mine for a while, but it always takes some experimenting to get it from my head down to an actual workable result.  And yes, a washi tape paper chain garland, as easy as it sounds,...

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Triangle Box Advent Calendar

Triangle Box Advent Calendar

Now that I come home in the dark after work, I have to do all of my house projects on the weekends.  Hey, I'm not complaining.  At least I'm not driving to work in the dark, which is what I'd be doing if I were in snowy NY right now.  We were pretty productive this...

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Sharpie Embellished Copper Striped Tray

Sharpie Embellished Copper Striped Tray

Remember when I asked whether I should cover an entire tray in copper stripes?  Well, the opinion was pretty unanimous to keep it at 8 stripes, so I did what I was told and left it at that.  And left it.  And left it.  And left it some more.  It sat, with its 8 lovely...

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