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Modular Crochet Blocking Station

Modular Crochet Blocking Station

I'll admit, I don't usually make crochet blankets. My last big blanket project, with its billions of loose ends, sorta turned me off to the whole idea of a mess of granny squares. So, I've tended to stick to cute little things, like owls and fish scrubbies and things....

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Crochet Fish Scrubbie Washcloths

Crochet Fish Scrubbie Washcloths

On our last date night, Drew and I walked around the "downtown" of the town we're moving to this fall, you know, to get a feel for our neighborhood. We found this little doodads store that had a bunch of, well, doodads, and all sorts of vintage-y, charming things. I'm...

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Invisible Half Double Crochet Decrease

Invisible Half Double Crochet Decrease

Here's a quick tutorial for today, an invisible half double crochet decrease. The invisible decreasing single crochet is something I learned from Planet June, and it's pretty ingenious, probably because it's so simple. Instead of inserting your hook through both loops...

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Why I Defined My Terms of Use Today

Why I Defined My Terms of Use Today

Welp, a couple things happened today. Besides going to the park and having ice cream, I found this awesome whale of a project I want to do. Thing is, as I was reading the tutorial, the blogger stated that I was not allowed to sell finished products or make...

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